AP Chief Electoral Officer Mukesh Kumar Meena recently conducted an awareness program in Amaravati with political party representatives. Meena provided detailed explanations on the latest Election Commission guidelines, specifically highlighting the rules to be followed under the Election Code. The session aimed to ensure that political parties are well-informed and prepared to adhere to the guidelines throughout the electoral process.
According to Mukesh Kumar, once the election code is in effect, candidates, their agents, and political party workers should not carry more than Rs 50,000 in cash. Transportation of goods worth more than Rs.10 thousand is also prohibited. Additionally, star campaigners of parties should not possess cash exceeding Rs. 1 lakh.

Candidates, their agents, and political party workers must not carry more than Rs.50,000 in cash when the election code is in effect. It is also prohibited to transport goods worth more than Rs.10,000. Additionally, star campaigners of parties should not possess cash exceeding Rs.10,000. Inciting voters and asking for votes based on caste, religion, or language is not allowed. Lok Sabha candidates can spend up to Rs.950,000, while Legislative Assembly candidates can spend up to Rs.400,000. This amount should cover expenses such as public meetings, posters, banners, and vehicles. Distribution of cash, gifts, liquor, or other items to influence voters is considered illegal expenditure. Candidates must maintain a separate bank account and daily expenditure register for election expenses. There will be strict monitoring of the expenditure of parties and candidates.
The expenditure of parties and candidates will be closely monitored, ensuring thorough accountability. The nomination process will commence promptly upon the announcement of the election schedule. Lok Sabha candidates are required to pay a cash security deposit of Rs.25,000, while Legislative Assembly candidates must pay Rs.10,000, through RBI or Treasury. Please note that checks and bank drafts are not accepted. Nominations will be received by the AROs and AROs between 11 am to 3 pm on government working days. During the nomination, the candidate will be allowed to be accompanied by only five individuals inside the office. Additionally, candidates are advised to halt their vehicles 100 meters away from the designated location. Meanwhile, CPM State Secretary Y. Venkateswarlu has lodged a formal complaint with the EC, urging them to take appropriate action against the individuals involved.