Movie: Ram Charan’s blockbuster hit “Magadheera” is scheduled for a theatrical re-release on March 26, the day before his 39th birthday. The 2009 movie, directed by SS Rajamouli, achieved immense success and emerged as one of the highest-grossing Telugu films of its era. This re-release is aimed at delighting fans in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, offering them a chance to relive the epic fantasy on the big screen.
With its stellar cast including Ram Charan, Kajal Aggarwal, Srihari, Dev Gill, and Sunil, “Magadheera” promises a nostalgic viewing experience. The film is renowned for its captivating storyline and is accompanied by a mesmerizing musical score composed by MM Keeravani. This special screening holds the potential to draw audiences back to cinemas, reigniting the magic of this beloved Telugu classic.